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Amazon shopping | 100 dollars per day

Why can't spin a defect free cotton yarn ?

     Welcome spinners....🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷    Manufacturing defect free cotton yarn with satisfactory productivity is dreams of  every spinners...      Spinners facing many hurdles to achieve the quality... We know today trend is the market of buyers not with sellers...  No doubt we bound to supply as per their needs..and requirements... So we must take responsibility..         Even availability with  a suitable grade cotton for the specific count .. The quality of the yarn is produced is  not up to the mark....the reasons we can't conclude easily and specifically...  It Needs....Diagnosis.... Trail. ....and...consultation with Textile institution is the solution  to encounter the problem...       As for my concern  , I experienced  many such problems in my service. The main reason is. COTTON. Cellulose fibre..natural fibre ...The quality of the cotton  is some tim...

Textile spinning

                  USEFUL DATAS FOR SPINNERS In my previous blog  i shared about blow room process.....and hope that very useful..      In this blog I added about carding and Drawframe process  . CARDING ....      Every spinner aware of carding and its importance of the textile industry ....       Till now there is no other thought that the card process is very important and quality deciding factor of the final product of the yarn..      Here with I share my knowledge with all of you..               Card well is spin well   Now a days in a market very high speed cards are available..production and quality are the basic requirement of the spinners... There are different textile manufacturer are available in the market .Among them  .. Rieter is the best supplier.        Rieter machi...